Sunday, March 3, 2019

F3 Highlands Combine Beatdown

  • When: 03/02/19
  • QIC: Powerball
  • The PAX: Barrister, Disaster, Brinkley, Sully, Duffle Bag, ONJ, Sizzlean, Tootsie, Drop Cloth, Glock, Dutch Boy, Powerball

The National Football League isn’t the only association conducting their Draft Combine this weekend.  Fortunately for the PAX, no measurements were taken at this one, either.  Nor were we required to workout in our underwear.
A calm 40 degrees meets 12 PAX and no FNG’s.
Shovel flag was planted, disclaimer given, and off we went for an extended mosey.
Side Straddle Hops x 20
Imperial Storm Troopers x 20
Cotton Pickers x 20
Windmills x 20
Mountain Climbers x 20
Three Burpees OYO
Everyone finds a spot for line jumps, 30 seconds of feet together, then right foot, and left foot.  @Glock takes his sweet time finding his location.
Mosey to the tennis courts.
YHC welcomes everyone to the Highlands Draft Combine, to coincide with the NFL event this weekend, where top college football players participate in the NFL Scouting Combine and engage in measurable strength and agility drills.  Here was our version:

40-yard Dash: Sprint across three tennis courts.  10 Merkins following each sprint. X 6
Broad Jump: Broad jump consecutively across one tennis court. 15 Carolina Dry-Docks after completing court. X 6
Vertical Jump: 10 Jump Squats. Followed by 10 SSH. X 6
Bench Press: Partner up for Weighted Partner Merkins. Partner #1 planks with feet on Partner #2’s back.  Partner #2 completes set of 10. Switch. Six sets, each PAX does three.
Shuttle Run: Utilizing one court, straddle the center line, sprint to one sideline, sprint to opposite sideline, return to center line. 10 Air Squats. X 6
Planks and 10 Merkins OYO.
The combine concludes and we mosey to the parking lot near softball field for some EMOM (every minute on the minute).  10 Lunges each leg, 10 Plank Shoulder Touches, 5 burpees. Four rotations.
The “minute” quickly converts to 45 seconds, which eventually becomes whenever the Q calls the exercise. He who controls the clock, controls the pace.
Slow mosey back to the original parking lot for MARY.
Quick detour to concession stand, not for figure-eights, but for B2TW or People’s Chair.  Moment of hilarity that was promised not to be included in the backblast.
Circle Merk – eight rotations
Low-flutter x 20
Squirm x 20
  1. I think we all graded out as late-first round, possible second round prospects today.
  2. We were rudely interrupted by a pack of Ruckers during the sprints.  A ton of Rucker vs. PAX mumblechatter as a result.  I can’t speak from experience, since I’ve never rucked, but I’m confidently declaring this beatdown was tougher. Don’t at me, @Murdock.
  3. In regards to the 40-Yard Dash: Each tennis court is 36 feet wide. The space in-between courts is supposed to be approximately 12 feet, which would have been a total of 132 feet, which converts to 44 yards.  The courts at Mallard Creek are closer to each other than they should.  But my math rationale is on-point, right @Disaster?
  4. D.K. Metcalf is the receiver referenced. If you don’t know who he is, check it out.  Dude’s unreal.
  5. A lot of 2nd F today, due to the whole-group format.  This is what sets us apart from simply going to the gym and working out alone.  Remember the Sad-Clown Syndrome.
  6. Q-School is Thursday, normal Highlands time/location, led by @Alcatraz and @Gump.
  7. Prayers of appreciation of the gifts given to us.  As we look ahead of next week, instead of what we have to do, let’s think about what we get to do.
Hope you all enjoyed today.  It’s an honor to lead.
Iron Sharpens Iron
Helpful Key for non-F3 Nation:

Merkins = Push-ups
Carolina Dry-Docks = Plank Push-ups
Side-Straddle Hops = Jumping Jacks
B2TW = Handstands against wall
The opinions shared in this blog belong to Craig Smith (or guest blogger) and do not represent the school or district in which he works.

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