Thursday, May 16, 2024

Important Announcement - May 16, 2024


It is with difficulty and a wide-range of emotions that I provide this communication. Tuesday, I informed our staff; yesterday, a communication went out to all families of LNC and I shared with our current students that the 2023-2024 school year will be my last as the Principal of Lake Norman Charter HS. 

This decision has weighed heavily and was not made lightly, as there are very few school systems I would ever consider leaving LNC for and the positions are even more limited. I have been given an incredible opportunity to serve in a new advanced leadership role with another school, who is scheduled to announce my addition on Friday. My decision was officially made at the beginning of the week, so this has all transpired very quickly. I recognize this news may come as a shock and I would be disingenuous if I did not state that it is still quite surreal to share myself.


My new position will not require any relocation, so the Smith Family will remain at LNC (yes - Mrs. Smith isn’t leaving). In fact, this was an extremely important factor that I disclosed to my next school from the very beginning of the process. Therefore, I am in the unique position of truly being able to remain connected to the LNC Community for many years to come, which will include supporting each and every one of you, just in a different capacity.


There will be some additional communication/content from me, but that most likely will be on various Social Media in the upcoming weeks.


I remain fully-committed to LNC with all of my end-of-year responsibilities, in addition to ensuring a smooth transition, and I look forward to our faculty, staff, and students continuing to be our best together as we successfully close out the ‘23-24 school-year.

Your humbled Principal,


Mr. Smith


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