Thursday, May 14, 2020

HIIT Beatdown - F3 Highlands May 14, 2020

  • When: 05/14/20
  • QIC: Powerball
  • The PAX: ONJ, Sully, Illuminati, Powerball

Initially, it looked like it would only be @Sully, @ONJ, and YHC, but then a fourth PAX (@Illuminati) arrived via a run at the last second.  A visit from @Gump at the 0530 and resulting mumblechatter delayed the start a few minutes. The disclaimer was provided, relinquishing any responsibility to anyone, primarily the Highland Creek Golf Course, which has given us the clear to use their parking lot.
Extended mosey around the parking lot with butt-kickers, high-knees, and karaokes to…
Side-Straddle Hops, Imperial Storm Troopers, Weed-Pickers, Windmills, and Mountain Climbers.
Today called for some High-Intensity Interval Training.  The emphasis was on anaerobic exercise and to limit the down-time as much as possible.  Participants were instructed to modify, as needed, but attempt to get as many reps as possible. Plus, this design easily allowed for safe and proper social distancing
PAX started at the first island.  I call out the sequence of exercises that change every 30 seconds with continuous work.
Circuit #1:
Continuous sprint for 30 seconds (using third island as marker to return)
Jump Squats for 30 seconds
Merkins for 30 seconds
Low-Flutters for 30 seconds
Rest for 45 seconds, walking back to starting point.
Repeat, three circuits
Circuit #2:
Continuous sprint for 30 seconds
Squats for 30 seconds
Wide-Merkins for 30 seconds
Freddy Mercury’s for 30 seconds
Rest for 45 seconds, walking back to starting point.
Repeat, three circuits
Circuit #3:
Lunge-walk for 30 seconds
Burpees for 30 seconds
Carolina Dry-Docks for 30 seconds
Plank for 30 seconds (originally was going to be plank-jacks, but YHC quickly audibled)
Rest for 45 seconds, walking back to starting point.
Repeat, three circuits
Transitioned to a “dealer’s choice” portion.  PAX begin at the same starting point and select any of the above exercises for a 10 count OYO, run to the next island, select a different exercise, 10 count OYO, repeat at the third island, return to the second, and finish at the first.
Squirm, Pretzel Crunch (flapjack), Reverse Crunch
CLOSING PRAYER, included, but not limited to:
  • Prayers of thankfulness for a smooth procedure for @DutchBoy and continued prayers that he receives good news.
  • Prayers of thankfulness to @Murdock’s daughter and a succesful operation and continued support as she recovers.
  • Prayers to be with those who may be struggling with mental health.
  • Prayers of overwhelming appreciation for those on the front line, risking their own wellbeing to take care of others.
Iron Sharpens Iron
The opinions shared in this blog belong to Craig Smith (or guest blogger) and do not represent the school or district in which he works.

1 comment:

  1. Helpful Key for non-F3 Nation:

    Merkins = Push-ups
    Carolina Dry-Docks = Plank Push-ups
    Squirm = Oblique crunch
    Side-Straddle Hops = Jumping Jacks
    Freddy Mercury's: bicycle-kicks
    Imperial Storm Troopers: standing crunch, elbows to opposite knees
