Saturday, August 31, 2019

Saturday of Fun: F3 Highlands - Aug. 31, 2019

  • When: 08/31/19
  • QIC: Powerball
  • The PAX: Hot Wheels, Sandbag, Ambassador, Sizzlean, Sparky, Sandman, Black Sheep, Poutine, Duffle Bag, Disaster, Murdock, Gordo, Avalanche, Sugar, Pony Boy, Brinkley, Ranger, Powerball
18 PAX decided to close out the month of August by starting out their Saturday at Mallard Creek Park for some fun. The Shovel Flag was planted and a descent disclaimer was provided, emphasizing YHC’s desire to keep our feet dry today on even terrain, which was received with enthusiasm.  Also, a strong emphasis of fun.
Mosey to WARMARAMA, which began with some traditional movements: Side-Straddle Hops, Imperial Storm Troopers, Hillbilly’s, Cotton Pickers, Mountain Climbers, Merkins (all in cadence).
Then, some non-traditional: Cross-body SSH, Fast-Feet to High-Knees
Fun AssessmentCheck
Relocate to a different parking lot for some Bear-Crawl variations.
Bear Crawl to one end, five Carolina Dry-Dock’s. Crawl-Bear back, five Donkey Kicks.
X 5
Mosey to the Tennis Courts for High-Intensity, Interval Training:

I call out exercise change every 30 seconds with continuous work.
Circuit #1:
Continuous sprint for 30 seconds
Jump Squats for 30 seconds
Merkins for 30 seconds
Low-Flutters for 30 seconds
Rest for 45 seconds, walking back to starting point.
Repeat, three circuits
Circuit #2:
Continuous sprint for 30 seconds
Squats for 30 seconds
Wide-Merkins for 30 seconds
LBC’s for 30 seconds
Rest for 45 seconds, walking back to starting point.
Repeat, three circuits
HIIT ConcludesStill having fun.
Everyone finds a service box for some Lateral Bear-Crawls.
Lateral Bear-Crawl to one line, one Merkin. Lateral Bear-Crawl back, two Merkins. Repeat to six Merkins.
Too many questions from @Murdock.
Repeat, descending from six Merkins to one.
Again, with five-second planks replacing the Merkins.
Fun Assessment: Still a high-level of fun being had.
Leave the tennis courts, mosey to the road leading to the softball/baseball fields for some Cacka-lacka-Cho-Cho.
Mosey back to the starting point.
Pretzel Crunch, Squirm, The W (all in cadence), and a failed attempt at some cool-down breathing.
Fun Concludes.
Some announcements:
  • Awesome to have @Ranger back.
  • There was some @DutchBoy mubblechatter to the Cacka-lacka-Cho-Cho road danger.  I acknowledge.
  • @KoolAid vehicle sighting at 7:58 AM. And then an immediate exit. I’m sure there’s a reasonable explanation.
  • @BlackSheep’s Band is playing tomorrow night at Amos’. He shared much more detail during announcements.
  • After some post-beatdown discussion, it sounds like @Poutine is Q’ing a special 7 AM Labor Day Mettle with the Trailer of Pain. T-Claps for stepping up, brother!
Prayers of thankfulness for everything He has given us.
It is an honor to have the opportunity to lead this group.  That being said, September has been designated as VQ Month. Let’s collectively work with the new guys to support the efforts and get them to step out of their comfort zone.
Iron Sharpens Iron

The opinions shared in this blog belong to Craig Smith (or guest blogger) and do not represent the school or district in which he works.

1 comment:

  1. Helpful Key for non-F3 Nation:

    Merkins = Push-ups
    Carolina Dry-Docks = Plank Push-ups
    Side-Straddle Hops = Jumping Jacks
    Imperial Storm Troopers: standing crunch, elbows to opposite knees
